Restaurants in Baku - Travel on Azerbaijan

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Restaurants in Baku
Azerbaijanis love to eat well, so wherever you go, be it Baku or a small provincial town, you will find a large selection of cafes and restaurants. By visiting one of the many drinking establishments, you can get acquainted with the whole variety of national Azerbaijani and international cuisine.
To get to know the tastes of Azerbaijanis better, try the local kebab or one of the hundreds of types of traditional pilaf, which is an ideal combination of rice, meat, spices and dried fruits. From seafood, we recommend lavangi fish - fish stuffed with chopped nuts and onions. No less good is lavangi made of chicken with chestnuts and prunes.
For dessert, order Azerbaijani tea, which is served in armudu glasses (pear-shaped) with delicious jam made from walnuts, quince or rose petals. In the capital you will find a large selection of restaurants not only of national but also of European cuisine, as well as pizzerias and fast food establishments of famous world chains.
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